Use the easy yet powerful Evernote integration in EzPhoto 3 VP to enhancement images from your Evernote notes and editing tasks.
Evernote integration
Connect to Evernote in one click, browse and edit images found in Evernote notes, and send the edits back to Evernote with various send options from EzPhoto3 VP’s “Evernote connecting feature.”
Easy correction on your photos
With our powerful “Easy Adjust” feature and various effects/filters, your photos can be magically enhanced and ready to be printed or sent out to your beloved friends and family members in no time.
Optimize your photos as close to original as possible
The “Assign camera profile” feature uses our delicate color management engine to match the color range of your digital camera devices with various preset camera profiles. EzPhoto3 VP can also auto-adjust preexisting photos and maximiz the full range of their subjects’ original color.
No problem with high-end photo editing software features
EzPhoto3 VP also provides advanced photo/image editing tools and features which allows you to perform intricate photo enhancement tasks like “P” software.
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- Hancom, Inc.
- Seongnam, Republic of Korea
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